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1. Provided professional opinions on Korean Canal Project article by Nature (Published online March 19,  2008 | Nature | doi:10.1038/news.2008.679) - “Korean waterway project gathers opposition -Flood of complaints hits ambitious canal plan” by David Cyranoski.


2. Korean national newspapers and online sources [e.g., Hankyoreh newspaper] articles on Korean canal project, March 20, 2008 (


3. Getting down and dirty: professor builds wetland research area on campus’, August 14, 2007, Gazette, GMU (


4. What George Mason Experts Are Saying about…Hurricane Katrina, September 6, 2005, Gazette, GMU (


5. Gifts to Mason Advance Environmental Studies, October 1, 2007, Mason Spirit-The magazine for alumni and friends of GMU (


6. Mason Scientist Know No Boundaries in Studying Environmental Issues, April 20, 2009, Gazette, GMU (


7. Advisor for KBS (Korean Broadcasting System) documentary on “Restore wetlands!” (DVD available) for the coverage in the United States, 2008; televised during the RAMSA International Conference 2008 and March 2009 nationwide, respectively, in Korea.


8. Mesocosm Compound Provides Wetland ‘Lab’, Gazette, YouTube, Facebook links. April 23, 2010.


9. The Washington Post, August 15, 2011, featured in article “Rainy August has hit a dry spell” (


10. Ecological Engineer studies human-created wetlands, Gazette, GMU, October 10, 2011. (


11. George Mason man-made wetland foster student research, Environmental Monitor - Application and Technology News for Environmental Professionals, featured news, Fondriest Environmental, Dec. 20, 2011.



12. Students Develop Model Wetlands, Broadside featured news, GMU, April 23, 2012.(


13. Mason Wetland Laboratory Provides Resources for Important Watershed Research. GMU homepage headliner,        

May-June 2012 (  



14. Mason’s Wetland Compound video, May 2012.


15. West Campus Wetland Mesocosm Lab. Office of Sustainability, 2013-present (


16. Wetland Research Facility Hosts Guests, April 29, 2013. Broadside 89 (23), GMU newspaper.


17. Student-to-Student Presentations Explore Wetlands Research, GMU Media, Gazette, May 17, 2013.    



18. Mason Wetland Laboratory Provides Resources for Important Watershed Research, May 17, 2013. Mason Spirit -

A Magazine for George Mason University Community, Office of University Development and Alumni Affairs in

conjunction with the Office of University Relations.


19. Connectivity Best for Created Wetlands, July 17, 2013. USGS News Press Release (


20. EcoScience + Art, George Mason University News article published, November 5, 2013.



21. EcoScience + Art blossoms in Mason, University News article, website publication, March, 31, 2014, (


22. SafeToday, “Design sustainability (지속가능성을 디자인하자-인발연)”,  April, 14, 2014, news article, Korea & Incheon In (인천 In), Incheon, Korea.


23. Mason Shines at National Conference on Undergraduate Research, GMU News, August 15, 2014.  



24. Mason presents EcoScience + Art, 2014. The Fourth Estate, GMU's Student News Outlet (by Blanca Acevedo),  



25. In the moment: George Mason University Gets Steamed. January 29, 2015 (The Rain Project mentioned)

(, DC Metro TheaterArt


26. GMU goes full ‘STEAM’ ahead. Feb.3, 2015, Fairfax Times (Fairfax County News Online) (EcoScience + Art mentioned), (


27. Lecture and film event with internationally acclaimed eco-artist Lillian Ball April 9. Arts Council of Fairfax County, Feb.27, 2015. (


28. The Rain Project – Interview with Changwoo Ahn (, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) Table Newsletter, Issue 4, March 2015.


29. Let it rain –featured story in Mason 4VA Collaborative by Linda Sheridan, April 8, 2015. (


30. TEDxMason to “Gather STEAM” during Fourth Campus Talk, GMU Newsdesk, May 1, 2015. (


31. TEDxMason Speaker Profile, video, Changwoo Ahn.


32. Students Launch Floating Wetlands on Mason Pond, May 13, 2015, GMU Newdesk. (


33. Students Say Pond Class at GMU Really Floats Their Boats, TV news (NBC4 Washington) 3 minutes 11 sec., May 22, 2015. (


34. Students construct wetland ecosystem, IV Fourth Estate, Vol 2 (24), August 31, 2015. (


35. Students Brave the Drink in the Name of Research (The Rain Project), Fall 2015, Inquiring minds, Mason Spirit - A Magazine for George Mason University Community, Office of University Development and Alumni Affairs in conjunction with the Office of University Relations.


36. The Rain Project, Grant Spotlight and Updates, GMU Annual Report, 4VA, 2014-2015.


37. EcoScience + Art: The Rain Project, Periodic Elements, COS, GMU, 2016.


38. TEDx@GMU, Interdisciplinary thinking and collaboration for higher education.


39. SER Press Release, 2016. A creative collaboration between the science of ecosystem restoration and art in an urban college campus published in Restoration Ecology.


40. Nothing beats sincere and continuous encouragement. Undergraduate Research Mentoring. (

41. The Making of the Rain Project-video documentary (Khafre Barclift and Dr. Changwoo Ahn).

42. Environmental issues are security issues: experts, 2019, The Korea Herald.

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