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Ahn, C. 2024. Introduction to the special issue, Sculpting Solutions: Art Science Collaborations for Environmental Sustainability. Nature-Based Solutions,


2022 -2023

Schmidt S. and Ahn, C. 2022. Characterization of redoximorphic features of forested wetland soils by simple hydro-physicochemical attributes in Northern Virginia, USA. Wetland Ecology and Management 30 (2): 


Ledford, K., Schmidt, S, Ahn, C. 2022. Assessing carbon storage potential of forested wetland soils in two physiographic provinces of Northern Virginia, USA. Sustainability 14: 2048


Schmidt S. and Ahn, C. 2022. A protocol for digitizing colors: the case of measuring color variables for forested wetland soils, USA. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 194: 726


Ahn, C. 2023. Collaboration between science and art through a special international symposium for ecosystem health and sustainability. The STEAM Journal 5(1): article 17.


Napora, K, Noe GB, Ahn C and Noe-Fellows, M. 2023. Urban stream restorations increase soil carbon and nutrient retention along a chronosequence.  Ecological Engineering 107063.

2019 - 2020

2017 - 2018

Schmidt S. and Ahn, C. 2019. A Comparative Review of Methods of Using Soil Colors and their Patterns for Wetland Ecology and Management. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 50 (11): 1293-1309.


Ahn C, Schmidt S. 2019. Designing wetlands as an infrastructural element for urban development in the era of climate change. Sustainability  11, MDPI, Open Access Journal, vol. 11(7), pages 1-10, March.


Gutenberg L, Krauss K, Qu J, Ahn C, Hogan D, and Zhu Z. 2019. Carbon dioxide and methane flux from forested wetland soils of the Great Dismal Swamp, USA, Environmental Management 64(2):190-200.


Korol A. Noe G., Ahn C. 2019. Controls of the spatial variability of denitrification potential in nontidal floodplains of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, USA. Geoderma 338:14-29.




Dee, S, Korol, A , Ahn, C.., Lee, J , Means A. 2018. Patterns of vegetation and soil properties in a beaver-created wetland located in the coastal plain of Virginia, Landscape and Ecological Engineering 14(2): 209-219.


McAndrew, B, Ahn, C. 2018. Developing an ecosystem model of a floating wetland for water quality improvement on a stormwater pond. Journal of Environmental Management 202: 198-207.


Means, M., Ahn, C, Noe G. 2017. Planting richness affects the recovery of vegetation and soil processes in constructed wetlands following disturbance, Science of the Total Environment 579:1366-1378.


McAndrew, B,  Ahn, C., Brooks, J. 2017. Effects of herbaceous plant diversity on water physicochemistry in created mesocosms wetlands. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 32 (1): 119-132.


McAndrew, B,  Ahn, C., Spooner J. 2016. Nitrogen and sediment capture of a floating treatment wetland on an urban stormwater retention pond – the case of the Rain Project, Sustainability 8, 972; doi:10.3390/su8100972.


Korol, A., Ahn, C., and Noe G. 2016. Richness, biomass, and nutrient content of a wetland macrophyte community affect soil nitrogen cycling in a diversity-ecosystem functioning experiment. Ecological Engineering 95:252-265.


Ahn, C. 2016. A creative collaboration between the science of ecosystem restoration and art in an urban college campus, Restoration Ecology 24 (3): 291-297 - selected for press release.


Means, M., Ahn, C., Korol, A, Williams, L. 2016. Carbon storage potential by four herbaceous wetland species as affected by plant functional diversity. Journal of Environmental Management 165: 133-139.



Ahn, C. EcoScience + Art Initiative: The New Paradigm for College Education, Scholarship, and Service, The STEAM Journal (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics), Vol. 2 (1), Article 11:1-10.


Korol, A., Ahn, C. Dominance by an obligate annual affects the morphological characteristics and biomass production of a

planted wetland macrophyte community. Journal of Plant Ecology (doi: 10.1093/jpe/rtv041)


Ahn, C. 2015. K-12 participation is instrumental in enhancing undergraduate research and Scholarship, Journal of College

Teaching & Learning 2 (2): 87-94.


Williams, L., and Ahn, C. Plant community development as affected by initial planting richness in created mesocosm wetlands. Ecological Engineering 75: 33-40.


Ahn, C. 2015. Wetlands, 5th Edition (Book review), William J. Mitsch, James G. Gosselink, Wiley, New York, 736 pp., 

Ecological Engineering 82: 649-650.




Ahn, C, and Jones, S. Assessing organic matter and organic carbon contents of soils of created mitigation wetlands in Virginia. Environmental Engineering Research 18(3): 151-156.


Peralta, R, Ahn, C., Voytek, M., Kirshtein, J. Bacterial community structure of nirK-bearing denitrifiers and the development of soil properties in created mitigation wetlands, Applied Soil Ecology 70: 70-77.


Wolf, K. L., Noe, G. B., and Ahn, C. Hydrologic connectivity to streams increases nitrogen and phosphorus inputs and cycling in soils of created and natural floodplain wetlands, Journal of Environmental Quality 42: 1245-1255.


Petru, B, Ahn, C, Cheschier, G. Alteration of soil hydraulic properties in wetlands created to mitigate the loss of natural wetlands in the Virginia piedmont, Ecological Engineering 51:140-150.


Peralta, R.M., Ahn, C, Gillevet, PM. Characterization of soil bacterial community structure and physicochemical properties in created and natural wetlands, Science of the Total Environment 443: 725-732.



Ahn, C. and Dee, S. M. Early development of plant community in a created mitigation wetland as affected by introduced design elements. Ecological Engineering 37:1324-1333.


Wolf, K. L., Ahn, C., and Noe, G. B. Microtopography enhances nitrogen cycling and removal in created mitigation wetlands. Ecological Engineering 27: 1398-1406.


Bender S., and Ahn C., A review of stream assessment methodologies and restoration: the case of Virginia, USA. Environmental Engineering Research 16 (2): 1-11.


Wolf, K. L., Ahn, C., and  Noe, G. B. Development of soil properties and nitrogen cycling in created mitigation wetlands. Wetlands 31: 699-712.


Ahn, C. Plant community development in the first growing season of a created mitigation wetland bank as influenced by design elements. Journal of Ecology and Environment 33(4), 363-376.


Leonard, C. A., Ahn, C, Birch, D. L. Above and belowground vegetative responses to prescribed fire regimes in a tidal brackish marsh.  Journal of Ecology and Environment 33(4), 351-361.



Moser, K. F., C. Ahn, G. B. Noe. The influence of microtopography on soil nutrients in created mitigation wetlands. Restoration Ecology 17: 641-651.


Ahn, C., P. M. Gillevet, M. Sikaroodi, and K. Wolf. An assessment of soil bacterial community structure and physicochemistry in hummocks and hollows of  palustrine forested wetland. Wetland Ecology and Management 17:397-407.


Ahn, C., R. M. Peralta. Soil bacterial community structure and physicochemistry in mitigation wetlands created in the Piedmont region of Virginia, Ecological Engineering 35:1036- 1042.



Kang, S., C. Ahn. Evaluating the effects of land use planning on discharge regime and water quality at an urban watershed. Journal of Korean Spatial Planning Review 50: 3-18.


Ahn, C., R. E. Sparks, and D. C. White. “Analysis of naturalization alternatives of the Illinois - Floodplain-river to restore moist-soil plants”, Living Rivers: Trends and Challenges in Science and Management. Hydrobiologia 565: 217-228


Sparks, R. E.,Ahn, C , M. Demissie, A. M. Isserman, D. M. Johnston, Yanqing Lian, Z. Nedovic-Budic, and D. C. White. 2005. Linking hydrodynamics, conservation biology, and economics in choosing naturalization alternatives for the Illinois River, USA, Archiv für Hydrobiologie Supplement 155 (Large Rivers 15): 521-538.


Ahn, C., R. E. Sparks, and D. C. White. 2004. A dynamic model to predict responses of millets (Echinochloa sp.) to different hydrologic conditions for the Illinois floodplain-river restoration. River Research and Applications 20: 485-498.


Ahn, C., D. C. White, and R. E. Sparks. 2004. Moist-soil plants as ecohydrologic indicators to recover flood pulse in the Illinois River. Restoration Ecology12: 207-213.


Ahn, C. and W. J. Mitsch. 2002. Evaluating the use of recycled coal combustion products for constructed wetlands: an ecologic-economic modeling approach. Ecological Modeling 150: 117-140.


Ahn, C. and W. J. Mitsch. 2002. Scaling considerations of mesocosm wetlands in simulating a large marsh. Ecological Engineering 18:327-342.


Ahn, C. and W. J. Mitsch. 2001. Chemical analysis of sediment and leachate of constructed wetlands lined with FGD by-products. Journal of Environmental Quality 30: 1457-1463.


Ahn, C., W. J. Mitsch and W. E. Wolfe. 2001. Effects of recycled FGD liner material on water quality and macrophytes of constructed wetlands: A mesocosm experiment. Water Research 35 (3): 633-642.

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